
More jobs available for Chinese graduates: report

Source: Xinhua| 2018-12-14 10:03:38|Editor: Yang Yi
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BEIJING, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- More jobs are available this job-hunting season for 2018 and 2019 college and university graduates, Friday's China Daily quoted a newly published report as saying.

In the first 11 months, the number of job hunters grew 21 percent year on year while that of job positions surged 81 percent, according to an employment report released Thursday by Zhaopin.com, China's job recruitment platform.

The report was based on the job vacancies from various enterprises, including small and micro businesses, and the work preferences of more than one million student job seekers registered on Zhaopin.com.

"The majority of those new jobs were in the education, consulting, internet, e-commerce, media and culture industries," Li Qiang, a senior consultant with Zhaopin.com was quoted as saying by the China Daily.

The import and export industry also showed a strong demand for talent, with the ratio of jobs to job hunters in the industry increasing to 1.81 this year, compared with 0.71 last year.

However, it was harder to get a job in the internet and e-commerce industry, as the pool of candidates grew faster than job openings. The industry of ratio of jobs to candidates was 2.7 this year, down 0.09 from last year.

The report also said the number of job positions in private enterprises increased 109 percent, showing they were thirstier than ever for talents.